Monday, October 29, 2018


Written By Sivuyile Tshalana.

As I am writing this at 3:00am on the fifth of June twenty-eighteen trying to put my appreciation or should I say gratitude on paper. As I feel that you impacted my life in a great way and I will forever thank God for creating a soul like you MaJali. I had to write about you since if you did not exist and as well as my father then I would not have been here on this earth. I am very proud to call you my mother, you sacrificed a lot for me to be who I want to be in life and you always believed in me. Trying to put all my thoughts on paper can never cover everything you have done for me MaJali.

As we lost our father as your children at an early age and you lost the love of your life but you were able to single handedily raised us to become better human beings in life. After our father died, you did not remarry, because you said, “I only loved one man and no men will ever make me happy like your father did”, and how you will not disrespect his memory by loving another man. To me that is just loyalty, and unconditional true love and that is the same love we grew up receiving everyday. You raised us to be God fearing children and to always respect others. Also help those in need, because you always believed in giving back by sharing the little that you have with other people. I am sure it was extremely hard raising different genders within your children as we came with our unique personalities but you understood us pretty well. MaJali you are the most humble, patient, strong, loving and phenomenal woman I know and I am grateful to forever call you my mother. We have our ups and downs as a family, but you never gave up on us. In fact you always motivated us to be the best people that we can be in this world, because you felt we are a rare breed. As a single mother I can only imagine how challenging it was raising all of us as the Tshalana's. You are and forever will be my world's greatest mother. Your name is forever tattooed in my heart. I am thankful to have you as my mother and to call myself your son. Your famous words in a message, “take good care of yourself, behave, do not forget to pray and I love you my boy”. These words make me smile every time I get a message from you mother. You got my back for years and your teachings are the greatest. That just makes you the pillar of my strength.

MaJali you are my hero, role model, and my everything and I cannot imagine my life without you. As you always say that you are my number fan and your actions prove that everyday. You always check up on me even though at time I get caught up in my hustle but you always let me know that I am not alone, you and God are by my side and I need to keep on keeping on. I want to make you proud and let you rip all the rewards for your hard work in raising a son like me. I will always love you unconditionally forever MaJali and thank you for always being there for me, your support means the world to me and your work will never go unnoticed. I pray that God keeps you for a long time on earth to see your son succeed in life and live the life you always wanted with me.


Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Death Sentence Should Be Activated In Every Country.

Written By Sivuyile Tshalana.

We have all lost a family member or relatives someway or somehow in the hands of other people. Some people get away with murder while others just go to jail for a couple of years and come out earlier then expected, because of good behaviour and parole. Few people really get the sentence they deserve and spend their sentence fully in jail.

A lot of wealthy people are and have been accused of murders, but since they are wealthy their money gets them short sentences or their cases are dropped. They got justice by the scruff of the neck and can call the shots. The same murderers who get away with murder, because of the lack of evidence, lost dockets and witnesses killed because they were willing to testify in court. These murderers come back to stay in vulnerable communities, and act like nothing has happened, and everything is normal and no harm was done. Hence the community does not want to get involved or help the police when they know someone has been murdered by a member of the community, because they feel the justice system has failed them. Many murderers are walking freely like they own this world, and not much has been done to get them behind bars and pay for their actions or take full responsibilities of what they have done. So that they will never repeat such terrible actions of murdering other innocent people. Cases of people dying in the hands of others has increased a lot in many countries, especially in third world countries. Because of the ever increasing population rate, lack of resources and many people are living off what the government has to offer them. These countries really find it hard to control people who break the law. Their correctional services are poor because they lacked proper facilities to work with, and the staff is not properly paid according to their job tittle and the risk their jobs come with. This leads to corruption within the trusted law enforcement.

The government also has to play a big role within the correctional service and make it one of its priorities but time after time the government has failed the community when it comes to punishing law breakers. Hence the death sentence should be activated in every country of the world. This will decrease the high death rate of innocent people that we are currently facing in the world. Death sentence will make sure that no-one is above the law and those who break it will pay with their lives. This world is not safe anymore and we mostly feel like aliens in our own planet because of heartless human begins who do not have a conscience and who believe that by ending another person’s life is an achievement for them. Death sentence will bring that sort of safety and security within this world. People will feel protected and they will be able to live out their lives freely and happily. No-one deserve to be killed by another person, it is not fair that the murderer gets to live while the family loses and mourn a family member they dearly love. Death sentence will bring some sort of closure to the family of the deceased, even though it would not bring their loved one's back. But it is a great step to a better direction of justice and definitely the people would start behaving by obeying the laws and not do anything they would regret for the rest of their lives.

Death sentence is the key to a much safer world. It is the answer to all these unresolved and cold tragic cases that we are currently facing. Death sentence should be activated in every country of the world to separate people who have human behaviours and non-human behaviours so that we can all be on the same page when it comes to respecting other human beings going forward.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Are Social Networks Good Or Bad?

Written by Sivuyile Tshalana.

There are two sides of the story when it comes to social networks, because they can be both good and bad according to how people use them in their lives. People that invented different types of social networks had good intentions to make people's lives better communication wise. However airtime is expensive and rate per minute on calls has increased. Many people find it better to buy monthly data and chat the whole month rather than buying airtime to make phone calls.

Most people feel that they cannot say everything they want to say by calling someone because their conversation is timed, they rush through the conversation afraid of their airtime getting finished while on call and end up forgetting or not mentioning important reasons for the call. Hence social networks helps you communicate quicker and effectively. There are some people that hardly respond to phone calls because of work reasons, they are either at school or generally busy, but can respond to conversations on social networks when they get a message or comment. Social networks play a role in updating people about what is current in life, like who are your friends, family and people that affected your life, either in good or bad way or both depending on the situation at hand. Other people post captured moments and use social networks as their memories keeper as in a photo album or a dairy that people have access to view. While others use it to get to know their role models and mentors mindset, especially quotes and motivational talks or posts to uplift their attitude in life and be more inspired, when they are not having a good day. Many businesses and entrepreneurs uses social networks as a platform to market their businesses, whereby they sell, advertise their products and brands to the masses to grow their target market. Certain people also use it for dating, whereby they meet their life partners, while others just want to make new friends.

The bad side about social networks is that you get a lot stalkers, people that follow your every move and know where you stay, work, your family and your daily routine. You end up getting deaths threats if you do not comply to what they need or want at that time. Many people post incorrect information on purpose about themselves and post fake pictures claiming it is them just so that they can get up to no good because no-one knows who they are. Some people have lost their lives due to people they met on social networks, because they say all the right things at the right time and end up getting your trust and then manipulate you. This leads to sexually abuse as they want to give you money and gifts to buy your love. Some people sell and advertise things that do not exist, like jobs and certain products. But before you get these things they ask for a fee upfront, before you receive anything. It is full of crimes like fraud, whereby a person just sends texts telling you the saddest story and after that ask for money. Things like asking for banking details, phone numbers, address and identity number happens a lot on social networks. Another thing many people use it for gossiping, to basically talk about other people behind their backs. 

It is up to you to decide whether social networks are good or bad, bare in mind the reasons why people create social networks accounts and as well as downloading it in the first place. Keep your distance and do not take social networks serious not everyone is going to love you like money.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Love Is Real.

Written By Sivuyile Tshalana.

Let me start by thanking God for creating you. 

He took his time when creating you, because you're imperfectly perfect to me. I may not know much about you, but every time we speak its  always amazing. Ever since I met you, I feel like I've known you for years. You're so welcoming and a wonderful woman. I treasure everything about you close to my heart. A simple greeting like Hello, How are you? Just makes me see that there are really finer things in life and you definitely at the top of everything. One look at you my heart starts beating faster and I get goosebumps.  You make me starter when I talk to you as I can't find the correct words in my vocabulary to describe how I feel about you. I let you do the talking as I just love watching you talk, it amazes me how your lips move and how you say certain words. You got that woman posture about you. When you've arrived, I always notice as you got that explainable aura about you. 
You got that million dollar smile. I truly appreciate you as a woman and I enjoy your company even though I feel its limited at times. You leave me wanting more of you. Whenever I look I see you, as I am constantly thinking about you. 

The world should stand still and appreciate your presence. You're just an all round happier person and it rubs of people. YOU'RE A BEAUTIFUL, TOLERANT, AMBITIOUS AND LOVING WOMAN.
You're like that fresh air that everybody needs everyday to just live.

Your name symbolizes life. You're a woman and a proper future leader. The world is yours and utilize it to make something out of that you would be proud of each day.
At the end though no words can ever describe you and my love for you.

When its all said and done I love you unconditionally.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018


Written By Sivuyile Tshalana.

When many people look at celebrities, they are seen as good versions of perfect people. Its like they don't make mistakes and if they do make mistakes they're judged harshly. Let's be real now, everyone make mistakes and there's no need for people penalize celebrities for their mistakes. People must remember that no-one is perfect as we're faced with a lot of challenges on a daily basis.

Celebrities are normal people that live extraordinarily lives, because of their occupations. They also have families to look after, legacies to build and pave ways for generations after generations. There's no need for many people to crucify celebrities for living their lives to the fullest. Many celebrities got into drugs and die, because of the stress that certain people within our communities put them under. Being a celebrity is tiring with all the hours you have to put in, especially doing back-to-back interviews, photo shoots, acting, singing, writing and also balancing that with your family time as well as self love. Celebrities have to sacrifice a lot of things everyday so that they can put more effort to their work. They sacrifice family time, going out, friendships and even their happiness at times to make that their fans get what they want out of them.

Some celebrities, usually say they are tired of being celebrities as they didn't sign up to be treated as perfect people and to receive so much attention for everything they do. Other celebrities feel that they don't have a private life, even though they don't like sharing everything they do with the world and they actually want to own their lives. Rather than the public stating how they should live their lives and with whom. The media is on the celebrities lives everyday, watching their moves and most of the things that they publish are mostly negative things about celebrities. This then becomes are big problem as celebrities are also people with feelings and families. Before even the media  print anything about celebrities, there should be a thorough investigations and celebrities should be made known of such investigations.

Celebrities are people, and they need love and respect like any other human being on this earth. We cannot go around causing conflicts in celebrities lives through rumors. We forget that whatever made them famous put food on their tables and uplift their standards of living. Our celebrities need to be loved unconditionally  and actually be allowed to live private lives outside their work. Let's put more respect on celebrities names.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Blog Story: Behind The Artist Part 1 - @Techniq_SA

Written By Sivuyile Tshalana.

Calvin Segabutle, famously known as Techniq SA (on the picture above) is a young rapper from South Africa in Limpopo. He was born in S.T Hospital, Glen Cowie on the 29th of November 2000 and grew up in Phokoane. Techniq SA went to Leshalabe Primary School, where he did his Grade R to Grade 6, then went to Moriti High School and that's where he's currently doing his matric this year. Techniq SA is from a disadvantaged family where his parents are unemployed, but do their best to look after their him and his older sister Boitumelo through part time occupations or help from other people.

Techniq SA is a natural born rapper who is hungry for a break through in the South African music industry and beyond. He grew up listening to the likes of Hospin, Proverb, J Cole and Nas. That's where he gets most of his inspiration from and also he's inspired by South Africa as whole as well as other other nations. Techniq SA has always been a musical person, even way back in his childhood and his passion for music grew within him as time went by during the years. When he was younger, all he could hear most of the times at night was music notes. Nowadays he's a walking instrument that is continuously playing his favourite notes. Techniq SA felt that this musical journey has been like a calling for him. After all it is his first love. He's been playing music loud since he was ten years old and he's been writing rhymes when he was thirteen years old.
"I was young and dumb, chasing paper (money) so I had to take some time off to hustle in the streets, now I am back and I am hungrier than before. I am here to stay as I am ready to treat the music industry with love and respect. Everyday struggle, motivates me to hustle harder and stay consistent throughout my craft. I do what I do to motivate and inspire other people so that they can see its possible to follow your dreams despite your disadvantaged background. I have been through a lot in my life and I have a lot to say within my music.", said Techniq SA.
He also added that he is willing to work with other people in the music industry and beyond. Techniq SA doesn't box himself, he can work with different musicians across many different genres. He raps with passion and love as he feels its his God given talent to share with the world. Techniq SA feels he's Hip Hop, as they both have that unconditional love relationship between each other.
Techniq SA favourite quote: "The rapper is more like a Galaxy, he never disappoints on every joint he jumps on."

Monday, September 17, 2018

Relationships Deal Breakers For Men: Part 2.

Written By Sivuyile Tshalana.

Men do not have many relationship deal breakers, like women do and some of the deal breakers are the same for both genders. Men can have certain characteristics they would like in their ideal relationship and in their minds but end up not following it only because men are usually not fussy about ticking each and every box on their preference list. Many men fall in love with the physical appearances of their partners (also known as outer beauty), before they even get to know their partners better in terms of their inner beauty (personality). It is understandable though, because men are the ones who approach their partners first, if they have been rejected a lot by other people that they fell for but they declined them, then many men end up settling for less and not following their ideal partners criteria. Most men are actually pressured into relationships, if they are single their peers pick on them and make them feel like something is wrong with them and that they are not manly enough to be regarded as men in their societies. So some men enter into relationships not ready mentally, psychologically, emotionally and spiritually which leads to deal breakers within their relationships.

These are relationships deal breakers for men in no particular order. Poor sex or no sex at all, whereby men are not satisfied in the bedroom when it comes to sexual activities or the sex life within the relationship is missing in action (M.I.A). Lack of communication, wisdom and knowledge within the relationship, partners do not check-in with each other in terms of talking with one another. Lack of vision and commitment, whereby their partner do not have dreams about their future together, they live for the moment and do not stick to their words. Misunderstandings, getting the wrong ideas or impressions about their partner. Long distance relationship, when their partner does not stay where they stay and they hardly see their partner. Cheating, unhygienic and an untrustworthy partner. Lack of transparency, whereby they are not able to see through their partner. Seeing other people as better or have what their partner does not have, basically wanting someone they do not have which is plain greediness and lust. Boredom, some men feel that knowing they partner well can be boring, because they know their partner’s routines that they do everyday and others feel their partner becomes a snob, hence they seek for a new challenge.

One of the relationships deal breakers for men is the decisions that was made before they met their partner. Like meeting people that they liked but cannot be with them, because of different paths that they chose, culture and religion. For example some men cannot date someone who have more children then they do, especially if it is from their previous relationships and others do not even date people who have children already. Hence decisions that their partner makes or has made can be a relationship deal breaker for men. One way or the other, men has came across such deal breakers and it costed them their relationships going forward. Joy Qholosha summed it up in one sentence by saying, “if you do not communicate, you end up not trusting your partner and that leads to lack of sex”.
Relationship deal breakers are something that can be avoided so that your relationship can last longer. It is a two way street, both partners need to be on the same page and relationships are not something that just happens, it is a lot of hard work everyday and you choose to be with your partner each day. You cannot be comfortable within the relationship because it is so unpredictable especially when you are in love you live in the moment, but most people do not want to believe that, it is up to them and their partner to make their moments last forever for the both of them. At the end they will rip the rewards of getting a life partner and love wins everyday.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Corporal Punishment.

Written By Sivuyile Tshalana.

In many schools the learners do as they please, because they know that they have more power than the teachers as the law is by their side. The learners mis-use their rights in a way that it always benefit them whatever situation they face at school. Which means the teachers are not really protected by the law like learners are protected. This becomes a big problem, because the learners feel they are more superior than the teachers and will forever look down on them going forward.

The school environment has became a playground for learners to do whatever they want and get away with it. The learners carry guns and knifes whereby they shoot or stab their fellow school mates and their teachers or just cause critical injuries. While other learners smoke weed, cigarettes and other drugs at school, hence their brains become disrupted and they do a lot of things that they will later on regret. Some learners fight with their school mates or their teachers at school. A lot of learners and teachers have lost their lives at schools, where they suppose to educated or educate, and enjoy their jobs and build better lives. Nowadays schools have turned into a terrible environment with a lot of chaos and drama taking place within it. Many teachers, and learners fear for their lives every time they enter the school’s premises, and they always hope and pray that nothing bad happens to them. It is a sad truth that the government is also to blame for such violent learners at schools, because of banning of corporal punishment. In households the children become parents and parents become children, that is how our societies have became ever since the government gave the children more rights. Many parents cannot even discipline their children, because if they do they will be arrested as long as their children open a case against them. The parents are suppose to be the first teachers in the children’s lives before even sending their child to school. If learners are so corrupt how are the teachers going to help build future leaders of our country and if this keeps on happening there will be hardly any hope of our country having highly educated and successful human beings.

All of this nonsense can be stopped if the government brings back corporal punishment and proper discipline will prevail. The learners will learn to behave and carry themselves in a good manner like any learner should and also become good role models going forward. The teachers will be more in charged of the schools environment and all will be well at schools within our country. 

Friday, August 31, 2018

A Place That Is Special.

Written By Sivuyile Tshalana.

It does not matter who you are and where you coming from but more often than not a place that is special is always at home. You can travel the world, stay in a foreign country, live your expensive lifestyle in your big house, and enjoy your bachelor life and freedom but there is no place like home. Hence it is always important to touch base with your family at home and enjoy each other's company's while sharing their lives that they acquired while away from each other.

A home offers you some sort of warmth, unconditional love and major support from family members. A wise man once said, “home is where the heart is”. This means people can live their ideal life outside of their homes but there will always be welcomed at home, because they make part of the home. That is why you get people that go back home if things do not go their way and the world has turned it’s back on them. While others move back home, because their finances are not looking good and they want to save for a better future. Hence a home is an important thing to have, love and cherish it because there is nothing like it. At each home you get different personalities that play their own roles in making a house a home. Also the most amazing home cooked meals and the greatest family stories that goes along with it on the dinner table. The sense of security and advice many people get when they are at home, because they are with people that want nothing but the best for them. The values, ethics and morals of life people learn from their homes which equipt them for the world. People also get to know more about their cultures and traditions as they are practiced on a regular basis. People must know where they come from, in order to know where they are going, and it all starts at home with the parents teachings and knowledge that they share with their children. A home is also a special place, because people get to spend time with their childhood friends, play indigenous games, spend a lot of time with things that have sentimental values and also enjoy the company of their neighbours.

In this world we see how many people struggle that do not have homes, because they lack some kind of family structure and support that helps them see the world in a different perspective. A home is an important thing for any family to have in order to grow together to achieve their futuristic dreams as a family.

Friday, August 24, 2018

African Leader.

Written By Sivuyile Tshalana.

According to the idea of transformation leadership, an effective leader is a person who creates an inspiring vision of the future, motivates and inspires people to engage and manages delivery of that vision. That is the caliber of an African leader I aspire to be. In order for a country/continent to move forward and prosper in its mandate. The leader of that country/continent has to consider providing a greater core of financial development and transformation. This study looks at providing and maintaining financial development of the country and how I plan to maintain it by involving different stakeholders and the role each of them will play.

If I was an African leader I would finance development and transformation in various ways which will aim to take our continent to greater heights. As an African leader, I would lead by example in a way that I would take some of my own personal savings or salary to help finance development and transformation. I would be an African leader that gives a new brave meaning to ‘walk it and talk it’, as I love to see a lot of financial development and transformation take place to benefit people and make the world a better place to live in. I would also work hand-in-hand with celebrities, political parties and major business organizations to gather donations that will help boost the financing of development and transformation within the country/continent. Creating a lot of hype will only make people more interested in the financial development, and transformation and that will be one of my secret weapons to make my dreams come true of helping people.
Just to add on the financial of development and transformation, I would introduce a rule whereby all business must add development and transformation finances in their mandates. This will be their other from of giving back to their people. On top of that, there would be tax charged for both the employees and employers which will have a huge role on financial development and transformation. The businesses and working class plays a critical role in the economy and a country/continent itself as it provides people with money to look after their needs and wants. Financing development and transformation should be part of the people’s lives, because whatever is being developed and transformed will benefit the people one way or another and the generations to follow.

A lot of money is spent on politicians by the government, so I would introduce a rule for all the government employees to cut down their lavage lifestyle (expensive government cars, houses, credit cards, designer clothing and private jets). Politicians cannot have all these privileges while other people are suffering. I would also introduce financial development and transformation learnerships and internships. The money saved from politicians would help me finance development and transformation. All the money put out will be tracked to see if it is really doing what it supposed to do. A feedback report will be broadcasted for everyone to see and hear about where their money went. I would make sure that I work with other continents/countries who share the same common goal as me. I would also ask and seek for help from other countries who have walked the same road and have succeeded and let the other leaders mentor me as I achieve financing development and transformation.
Since social media is bigger nowadays, I would use that platform to reach other people across the world to buy in my ideas of financing development and transformation. I would host conferences and seminars to get more and more people involved in such wonderful projects to uplift the standard of living of on the continents, as well as getting the communities in the act of doing good deeds for each other. Getting the future leaders involved at the schools and tertiary institutes to be part of the movement towards change and talking it in the right direction. Learners are the future, so it is imperative that they participate in such fantastic ideas going forward.

Collectively as human beings on this earth, if we can work together, we can be a force to be reckoned with and we got a lot to do in this world. Financing development and transformation is a superb way to start. If I was an African leader I would make it a point, by all means necessary to finance development and transformation, it is possible and it begins with me and you.