Monday, October 8, 2018

Love Is Real.

Written By Sivuyile Tshalana.

Let me start by thanking God for creating you. 

He took his time when creating you, because you're imperfectly perfect to me. I may not know much about you, but every time we speak its  always amazing. Ever since I met you, I feel like I've known you for years. You're so welcoming and a wonderful woman. I treasure everything about you close to my heart. A simple greeting like Hello, How are you? Just makes me see that there are really finer things in life and you definitely at the top of everything. One look at you my heart starts beating faster and I get goosebumps.  You make me starter when I talk to you as I can't find the correct words in my vocabulary to describe how I feel about you. I let you do the talking as I just love watching you talk, it amazes me how your lips move and how you say certain words. You got that woman posture about you. When you've arrived, I always notice as you got that explainable aura about you. 
You got that million dollar smile. I truly appreciate you as a woman and I enjoy your company even though I feel its limited at times. You leave me wanting more of you. Whenever I look I see you, as I am constantly thinking about you. 

The world should stand still and appreciate your presence. You're just an all round happier person and it rubs of people. YOU'RE A BEAUTIFUL, TOLERANT, AMBITIOUS AND LOVING WOMAN.
You're like that fresh air that everybody needs everyday to just live.

Your name symbolizes life. You're a woman and a proper future leader. The world is yours and utilize it to make something out of that you would be proud of each day.
At the end though no words can ever describe you and my love for you.

When its all said and done I love you unconditionally.

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