Wednesday, September 26, 2018


Written By Sivuyile Tshalana.

When many people look at celebrities, they are seen as good versions of perfect people. Its like they don't make mistakes and if they do make mistakes they're judged harshly. Let's be real now, everyone make mistakes and there's no need for people penalize celebrities for their mistakes. People must remember that no-one is perfect as we're faced with a lot of challenges on a daily basis.

Celebrities are normal people that live extraordinarily lives, because of their occupations. They also have families to look after, legacies to build and pave ways for generations after generations. There's no need for many people to crucify celebrities for living their lives to the fullest. Many celebrities got into drugs and die, because of the stress that certain people within our communities put them under. Being a celebrity is tiring with all the hours you have to put in, especially doing back-to-back interviews, photo shoots, acting, singing, writing and also balancing that with your family time as well as self love. Celebrities have to sacrifice a lot of things everyday so that they can put more effort to their work. They sacrifice family time, going out, friendships and even their happiness at times to make that their fans get what they want out of them.

Some celebrities, usually say they are tired of being celebrities as they didn't sign up to be treated as perfect people and to receive so much attention for everything they do. Other celebrities feel that they don't have a private life, even though they don't like sharing everything they do with the world and they actually want to own their lives. Rather than the public stating how they should live their lives and with whom. The media is on the celebrities lives everyday, watching their moves and most of the things that they publish are mostly negative things about celebrities. This then becomes are big problem as celebrities are also people with feelings and families. Before even the media  print anything about celebrities, there should be a thorough investigations and celebrities should be made known of such investigations.

Celebrities are people, and they need love and respect like any other human being on this earth. We cannot go around causing conflicts in celebrities lives through rumors. We forget that whatever made them famous put food on their tables and uplift their standards of living. Our celebrities need to be loved unconditionally  and actually be allowed to live private lives outside their work. Let's put more respect on celebrities names.

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