Friday, August 24, 2018

African Leader.

Written By Sivuyile Tshalana.

According to the idea of transformation leadership, an effective leader is a person who creates an inspiring vision of the future, motivates and inspires people to engage and manages delivery of that vision. That is the caliber of an African leader I aspire to be. In order for a country/continent to move forward and prosper in its mandate. The leader of that country/continent has to consider providing a greater core of financial development and transformation. This study looks at providing and maintaining financial development of the country and how I plan to maintain it by involving different stakeholders and the role each of them will play.

If I was an African leader I would finance development and transformation in various ways which will aim to take our continent to greater heights. As an African leader, I would lead by example in a way that I would take some of my own personal savings or salary to help finance development and transformation. I would be an African leader that gives a new brave meaning to ‘walk it and talk it’, as I love to see a lot of financial development and transformation take place to benefit people and make the world a better place to live in. I would also work hand-in-hand with celebrities, political parties and major business organizations to gather donations that will help boost the financing of development and transformation within the country/continent. Creating a lot of hype will only make people more interested in the financial development, and transformation and that will be one of my secret weapons to make my dreams come true of helping people.
Just to add on the financial of development and transformation, I would introduce a rule whereby all business must add development and transformation finances in their mandates. This will be their other from of giving back to their people. On top of that, there would be tax charged for both the employees and employers which will have a huge role on financial development and transformation. The businesses and working class plays a critical role in the economy and a country/continent itself as it provides people with money to look after their needs and wants. Financing development and transformation should be part of the people’s lives, because whatever is being developed and transformed will benefit the people one way or another and the generations to follow.

A lot of money is spent on politicians by the government, so I would introduce a rule for all the government employees to cut down their lavage lifestyle (expensive government cars, houses, credit cards, designer clothing and private jets). Politicians cannot have all these privileges while other people are suffering. I would also introduce financial development and transformation learnerships and internships. The money saved from politicians would help me finance development and transformation. All the money put out will be tracked to see if it is really doing what it supposed to do. A feedback report will be broadcasted for everyone to see and hear about where their money went. I would make sure that I work with other continents/countries who share the same common goal as me. I would also ask and seek for help from other countries who have walked the same road and have succeeded and let the other leaders mentor me as I achieve financing development and transformation.
Since social media is bigger nowadays, I would use that platform to reach other people across the world to buy in my ideas of financing development and transformation. I would host conferences and seminars to get more and more people involved in such wonderful projects to uplift the standard of living of on the continents, as well as getting the communities in the act of doing good deeds for each other. Getting the future leaders involved at the schools and tertiary institutes to be part of the movement towards change and talking it in the right direction. Learners are the future, so it is imperative that they participate in such fantastic ideas going forward.

Collectively as human beings on this earth, if we can work together, we can be a force to be reckoned with and we got a lot to do in this world. Financing development and transformation is a superb way to start. If I was an African leader I would make it a point, by all means necessary to finance development and transformation, it is possible and it begins with me and you.

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