Friday, September 7, 2018

Corporal Punishment.

Written By Sivuyile Tshalana.

In many schools the learners do as they please, because they know that they have more power than the teachers as the law is by their side. The learners mis-use their rights in a way that it always benefit them whatever situation they face at school. Which means the teachers are not really protected by the law like learners are protected. This becomes a big problem, because the learners feel they are more superior than the teachers and will forever look down on them going forward.

The school environment has became a playground for learners to do whatever they want and get away with it. The learners carry guns and knifes whereby they shoot or stab their fellow school mates and their teachers or just cause critical injuries. While other learners smoke weed, cigarettes and other drugs at school, hence their brains become disrupted and they do a lot of things that they will later on regret. Some learners fight with their school mates or their teachers at school. A lot of learners and teachers have lost their lives at schools, where they suppose to educated or educate, and enjoy their jobs and build better lives. Nowadays schools have turned into a terrible environment with a lot of chaos and drama taking place within it. Many teachers, and learners fear for their lives every time they enter the school’s premises, and they always hope and pray that nothing bad happens to them. It is a sad truth that the government is also to blame for such violent learners at schools, because of banning of corporal punishment. In households the children become parents and parents become children, that is how our societies have became ever since the government gave the children more rights. Many parents cannot even discipline their children, because if they do they will be arrested as long as their children open a case against them. The parents are suppose to be the first teachers in the children’s lives before even sending their child to school. If learners are so corrupt how are the teachers going to help build future leaders of our country and if this keeps on happening there will be hardly any hope of our country having highly educated and successful human beings.

All of this nonsense can be stopped if the government brings back corporal punishment and proper discipline will prevail. The learners will learn to behave and carry themselves in a good manner like any learner should and also become good role models going forward. The teachers will be more in charged of the schools environment and all will be well at schools within our country. 

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