Friday, August 17, 2018

To Everyone Reading This.

Written By Sivuyile Tshalana.

You maybe going through a rough patch in your life.
Maybe you just lost a close family member or friend.
Maybe you just lost all your money and you currently broke.
You could be poor and you do not know where is the next meal going to come from.
Possibly you just lost your house and car, because you could not pay your loans as you are stuck in debts and you feeling there is no way out.
You could be in jail for something you did not do and you were just at the wrong place at a wrong time.

You could be prosecuted for breaking the law of your country.
Maybe you are currently unemployed.
You could be a graduate with a lot of unpaid fees.
Possibly your loved ones or you are currently sick and it seems like you or they might be leaving this world anytime soon.
Maybe you are working in a hectic work environment, which has caused you a lot of stress in your life and every time you have to go to work you drag yourself to work.
Maybe you are doing a job that pays less and you living from hand-to-mouth each month and that frustrates you all the times.
Possibly you stuck on drugs and all you worry about is your next fix each day and where it is going to come from.

You maybe going through a divorce and you are fighting for the custody of your children.
You maybe going through a hectic or abusive relationship.
Maybe at school, you not doing well.
Maybe you want to commit suicide, because of certain issues that you facing in your life.
Maybe you got big dreams but you do not know how to go about achieving them.
Possibly you procrastinate a lot when it comes to getting things done.
Maybe you are full of hatred, and jealousy in your heart and you take it out on other people and make their lives a living hell.
You could be suffering from a low self-esteem and lack confidence.
Maybe you have some sort of disability.
Maybe you have a lot of phobias in your life.
Possibly you just got raped or you were raped before in your life and you keep on getting flashbacks of the rape.

Maybe you are a womanizer.
Maybe you are a lady that cannot date one partner and you currently dating multiple partners.
Maybe you are gay, you just came out of the closet and many people including your family members do not want to accept you.
Currently you have a talent, people do not believe in it, because they always felt you were never good enough and now you want to let go of your talent.
Maybe you have been bullied at school by fellow school mates.
Maybe you were always discriminated about the way you talk, the way you look, dress, your race and how you carry yourself in general.
Maybe you always gossiping about other people.
Maybe you have a negative mindset.

Always remember that the current situation that you are facing does not determine your future and what does not kill you makes you stronger. We all have to go through somethings in life in order to achieve our goals and visions. You are never alone and many people have been through what you going through, and they overcame the odds to write their names in history and became architects of their own lives. Make the right decisions that will contribute to a greater future. Do not forget to pray, always work harder, and smarter and never give up on your future. A lot of people go through terrible different challenges in their lives, but it is part of life and you just have to get up again and keep moving. At the end of the day, it does not matter how often you fall but what matters is how often you get up and try again.

Friday, August 10, 2018

It's My First Time Doing A Video For My Blog. I Tried😂 Excuse The Music And The Gang😂

I love your'll. Please don't forget to follow our blog for new material every week. Thank you in advance.

Dear Women: Happy Women's Month.

Written By Sivuyile Tshalana.

You're our great grandmothers.
You're our grandmothers.
You're our mothers.
You're our step-mothers.
You're our aunts.
You're our sisters.
You're our daughters.

You're our role models.

You're our icons.
You're our leaders.
You're the strength of our country.
You're the roots of our communities.
You're the definition of unconditional love.
You're the backbone and a whole lot more in our families.
You're the definition of true beauty (inner and outer beauty).

You're enough.

You're phenomenal.
You're everything and more.
You're the definition of success and wealth.
You're not a punching bag for anyone.
Don't forget to respect, love and cherish yourself as well as other people.
You matter and Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Put yourself first.
Set your priorities accordingly.
Don't settle for less.

We love, and respect women and hopefully the whole world can join the movement of putting respect on women's names. Women need to carry on doing the most amazing work in the world and continue growing other people as well as each other. Women's work won't go unnoticed but they have to keep on keeping on in life. Conquer every challenge they come across in life and also take failure as a stepping stone to greater heights. Women can achieve their dreams and visions as long as they work harder, smarter and very consistent in their work. Don't forget to fix your crown and keep slaying towards your ideal life as well as your throne. Remember to use your talent, and power unapologetically and wisely. The world is your stage.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Against Racism.

Written By Sivuyile Tshalana.

What is racism according to Oxford Dictionary? It is the unfair treatment of people who belong to a different race group. According to human kind it is any form of unfair treatment received from a different race, either on school grounds, in an office environment, public places, playgrounds and on social platforms. Unfortunately racism has dominated throughout the globe, and it does not only exist in our country but it is a worldwide disease.

As it is said no-one is ever born with hate, it is a behaviour issue that is installed either by your parents, family or your peers, and it grows to mature and outline any normal behaviour. Racism starts by differentiating the difference in colour leading to identification of Black, Indian, White and Coloured that is why it is upon parents to breed their children by installing love and the importance of treating people the same way regardless of their skin colour. Parents play a vital role in their children's upbringing, they should educate their children on the importance of solidarity, humanity and unity, because no-one is more superior than anybody in the eyes of the law and God. It all starts with simple things in life, such as a smile, conversing, loving and respecting a person of different race and then relationships will be easy to evolve. Building any form of a relationship with someone of a different race should be a culture that is practiced on a daily basis. Most people ignorantly blame White people of being racists whereas even Black, Coloureds and Indians are also racists. This contagious disease lives inside, most people of all different races. People are oblivious to the fact that racism starts with the minor actions such as arguing over who was first in the queue at the store, who bumped literally your shoulder at the stadium and who's child has brighter grades at awards. I mean typical examples are endless and every individual is responsible in making a change.

Through unity all signs of racism can be eradicated, because there would not be any excuses to create room for such behaviour. With the influence from our leaders in our communities, counselors, priests at church, chiefs, kings, teachers and government racism can be fought against. The target in fighting racism should be the youth, which should be taught about the history of colonialism and the impact it brought upon our country years ago. They should understand how freedom came about and the meaning of peace. It is through the knowledge of our countries history we can achieve a racism free community, a racism free society and a racism free country. It becomes something that people are oblivious to as they cannot realize their racial acts, because it is what they were taught and how they were brought up to be.

However social platforms too sometimes promote racism with the messages, statuses, videos and pictures they post, and this all comes back to the youth. Most people do not realize the emotional abuse racism carries and the disturbance it brings in the mental well-being of another individual. No human being is ever okay with being classified, especially because of the colour of their skin. Racial acts discourage people, they demean – make them feel worthless, because of being classified, and never recover from that.
Racism is experienced by everyone, there is no specific race that can be held accountable, funny enough or ironically even Black tribes have racial acts amongst each other which is called tribalism. People feel they are superior more than others, because of the educational level, family background, family status, financial status, position at work, because of the influence social platforms and social media. Most individuals believe or were taught that White people are the only race that practices racial behaviour, because of the history in our country (South Africa). Individuals should stop being ignorant and start making changes first individually before pointing fingers. Races should identity racial behaviours within their races, before blaming or accusing other races and the change we would achieve would be very tangible.

The law can only try to govern the country in the public eye but not on the internal behaviour of an individual. Laws can be drawn and set but if our leaders do not practice them there is really no change being done. Racism is more than spoken word, it includes invisible barriers which can be a very serious issue whereby people are ignorant about or turn a blind eye towards it. That is why it is evident that racism is a choice one makes, because no-one was born with hate in their heart or colour to their sight, proof to this can be seen in the behaviour of infants as they play gratefully with each other, the love they share and the warmth they give one another, despite their race.

It is time that we as a country, as a community, as a society to unite together and practice the culture of living together as humans. Despite where each racial group comes from, we need to be taught how to love, how to respect, how to care and how to live with one another. There should be no room for any comments of any particular ethnic group, name calling, intimidation, bullying and verbal abuse. People should not be silent about racism, they need to voice their opinions and let it be heard. It is in the actions that racism can be fought against. Let’s stop racism, it does not suit us.

Friday, July 27, 2018

Relationships Deal Breakers For Women.

Written By Sivuyile Tshalana.

When you enter into a relationship you cannot stop thinking about your partner, because you love the person dearly and you would do anything to make sure your loved one is happy. Within the relationship there are certain behaviours that lead to break-ups and people walking their separate ways. We all have an idea about our ideal partners, how they should look, behave, dress, their mentality towards their lives, people and the world, what are they bringing into the relationship, are they employed or unemployed and what does not bother us about their past before entering a relationship. If a person meets your relationship requirements and suitable to date. But in the relationship there are certain things that are deal breakers, cause conflicts or friction and your relationship cannot survive them.

Firstly we have to look at the women's relationship deal breakers, as the saying goes ‘women first’ that is if men still use it nowadays and hopefully they still use it. In the second part, we will look at men's relationship deal breakers. Women got different relationship deal breakers and some people might find some of them ridiculous, while others will agree with them, because one way or the other they have caused break-ups within relationships. These relationships deal breakers are lack of communication and listening skills, when partners do not talk and listen to each other like they suppose to, it causes problems. Lack of sex or unsatisfying sex whereby your partner does not perform well sexually. Cheating, that’s when their partner date another person while they still date them. An abusive partner, whether they abuse you physically, psychologically and emotionally. Untrustworthy and immatured partners. Lack of attention, this causes a women to feel unhappy and unappreciated within a relationship, especially when women do something they want their partners to recognize, in this way the women is seeking for your attention. Their partners should leave whatever they are doing and focus on them. When their partners do not take care of themselves and they have bad breath (no mouth hygiene), this is a major turn off. Broken promises, whereby a partner says they will do something but do not do it. Long distance relationship, when they are dating partners that are not near them in terms of places they reside in. Lack of fun, meaning that they do not even go out, play games and explore new things together in life. Another thing is money, so if women do not get some sort of money allowance to sustain themselves in terms of hair, manicure, pedicure, clothes and jewellery that can put a huge strain on the relationships. They also use the money for other personal use. These deal breakers are real, and many women live by them and cannot sacrifice them when it comes to a relationship. Some of these deal breakers might come as a shock to others depending on their preferences in relationships and why they enter into certain relationships. These relationships deal breakers can be fixed as long as the partners truly want to be helped. Women should explain to their partners so that their partners can learn from their mistakes and do not repeat the same thing. This will help the next partner to get better treatment than the previous partner and there will be a way forward in love.

There is no need for people to stay in relationships if they are not happy, because happiness is everything. Do not stay in a relationship for the sake of appearance and what people will say when you leave the relationship. It is your relationship and your decision but you should not compromise for a ‘dead but walking relationship’. Love is special, priceless and should be treated as such. 

Friday, July 20, 2018


Written By Sivuyile Tshalana.

Attitude is how a person feels or reacts towards something or someone. It is an important tool that a person needs to get somewhere in life, goal-wise. It can determine whether you make it or not in this life since it is a part of the driving force to success. Everyone’s dream is to be successful and attitude is the building block of it. It all begins there, that is why I feel the need to change people's attitude.

Attitude is divided into two types which is negative and positive. We live in a world that has a lot of negativity. For some reason people are always attracted to a negative attitude, for example when you tell people that you have both good and bad news which ones you must start with they will say bad because they love and are attracted to negativity. It is easy to fall in the trap of negativity and be comfortable. Negative attitude is the biggest killer in life. It is a stumbling block between being successful and unsuccessful. It is said that a negative attitude is contagious. We all come across these people that hardly see good in any situation and they try to instill the same mentality in other people. They are very persuasive in a way that they will make you feel wrong about something you felt was right. They are able to manipulate you with their excuses and incompetence in life to support their statements. As soon as a person says ‘no or you cannot do it’ automatically other people’s brains shutdown and except the outcome, especially when it is something that will contribute to their future. When someone says something negative to another person, their goal is achieved which is to disturb your thinking process by adding negativity in it. People with negative attitudes generally do not feel good about themselves so they take it out on who they associate themselves with in life, because they play a big role on your attitude and how you carry yourself in life. That is why it is important to distance yourself away from the crowds and do self introspection. As the famous saying goes ‘show me your friends and I will show you your future’. You are the company you keep in life. Whether you like it or not people you spend most of your time with will have an impact on your success.

Positive attitude is the opposite of negative attitude which I feel should be practiced on a daily basis and should be part of our lives. The key thing is turning negative attitude to positive attitude – turning trials and tribulations into achievements and success. This is the strategy that the Americas former president used when he introduced the ‘yes we can campaign’. Despite of whatever situation you find yourself in and you say to yourself ‘this does not define me or I can make it’, to me, half your battle is won. Once again, whether you believe you can or you cannot do it, you are right. You choose what you want to hear or see in life as long as you can have a positive attitude, it will drive you to success in things you want to achieve in life. Positive attitude is also a matter of choice, you choose to see things differently than how the world portrays it and be different in a good way to benefit yourself and the world. A person needs to dig deeper to find that inner positive attitude or be taught how to go about having a positive attitude, because we all have it within us. For some it is visible and others it is not. The situation you are going through today is not final as long as the sun is shinning, there is still another chance to wake up and do better than yesterday. Blossom in every season. Change the word ‘impossible to I’m possible’. This can be achieved through watching/listening/reading motivational talks, having role models/mentors, and setting short and long term goals in life. Surrounding yourself with people who have positive attitude will help you stay positive as well as having a mantra and quotes from visionaries that life had to offer and people who have done it all. People should talk, eat, dream, think and have a positive attitude to make sure that it is maintained and not lost. When lost the person should remember the reasons or benefits of having a positive attitude, and get back that hope and love for positive attitude.

In this world there is no place for negative attitude, just as the way people learn to have negative attitudes similarly they can learn to have positive attitude and see the good things they have to offer to the world. No-one is born with a negative attitude, hence it should not be something that people embrace as it provides no good to the world. Attitude is one thing that I would love to change the most so that we can all be productive in life, and better our lives daily and it is not too late to start now.

Friday, July 13, 2018

Do Not Give Up.

Written By Sivuyile Tshalana.

When people do not let go of something or someone that is going to add value and better their lives or other people's lives, it is called not giving up. When you do not give up, you tell yourself ‘no matter what happens I will make it even if the odds are against me’. Remain cool, calm and collected towards the challenges life has to throw at you. The aim in life for everyone should not be to give up, but constantly keep pushing for your dreams and what you want in life.

They say it is easier said than done, but it is definitely achievable. Keep your head up high throughout life’s challenges. You owe it to yourself to be great, a wise man once said ‘greatness is something you practice everyday, so go out there and be great’. Set your goals so scarily high that they challenge you every step of the way and they keep you on your feet. It is always good to get inspiration along the way to your destination in life. Remember everyone has a purpose in life, others have found their purpose and some are still working towards it. So do not doubt yourself or let challenges and people be the reason you give up. There should be no reasons whatsoever for giving up. Always remember why you started and do something that contributes to your future everyday. When it is all said and done, you will look back and be grateful you never gave up.

There is always someone who is going through worse things than what you are facing. You do not have to feel sorry for yourself, get up and start doing something to overcome your downfalls. Do not carry your mistakes on your shoulders so visible that everyone can see that you going through something. Let your problems go, there is no need to dwell over them and it is just a waste of time. Do not let your challenges over-power you. They say ‘when life gives you lemons, make lemonade’. You do not have to accept the situation for what it is, but you have to keep going to reach your destiny and prosper in life. Perseverance, determination, hard work, consistency and hunger for success will drive you to not give in life. Everyone has a story to tell about their lives, and it is your time to write your story and share it with the world. This can inspire people that are following in your footsteps and others who are going through a rough patch. You will be building a legacy of dreamers, people who have a ‘never give up attitude’ and who are go-getters. Get your mindset into a winning mentality, believe that you can do it and that you will not give up no matter what life throws at you
Do not give up, your time is coming. You have to be ready when your moment comes and you can achieve that by never giving up on whatever you are working on, especially if it is something towards your future. We all want to better our lives and a lot of challenges comes with that. Some people do not have the right kind of mindset to achieve their goals but it all starts by never giving up. Go out there and get what belongs to you.

Friday, July 6, 2018

The Survival Weekday Guide For Scholars.


Written By  Sivuyile  Tshalana.

This is a survival guide for mainly scholars to help them to be able to learn and be taught to do things in the guidance of parents or guardians at an early age.
The parents should supervise, help or monitor their children at all times to make sure each step is followed accordingly.
All the steps mentioned in “The Survival Weekday Guide For Scholars”, the parents or guardians need to do them with their children firstly and continuously until their children are fit enough to do the steps by themselves.
Remember that parents or guardians are first role models children grow up looking up to. Hence it is important to do these steps with children at an early age and let them know why you are doing this with them.
Parents or guardians must trust and believe in their children that they can do these steps and recognize them once they show progress on each step. Make each step fun, talk about the things children love while each step with them.


Thank you God for protecting me the whole night and for waking me up and my parents too. Please guide and protect me, my parents, friends and also please look after me at school. Please protect my parents at work so that we can be together again.

To let in the fresh air.

Before leaving your bedroom, it is important to make your bed so that your bedroom will look and feel cleaner.

As a child it is important to bath so that you will be clean and feel refreshed. Also brush your teeth.

So that your skin would not crack and you will smell wonderful.

So that you can be able to wear a clean underwear next time.

To feel and look good.

Dirty clothes Belong in the washing basket.

Thank you God for blessing my parents so that they can be able to provide food for me and I pray that you can continue blessing them.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and you need all the energy you can get as a child to face your day.

You must wash the utensils or dishes that you are using when eating breakfast, so that files will stay away and you will be able to re-use your clean utensils later on.

Children can help their parents or guardians to prepare their lunch for school so that they can have something to eat when hungry during their breaks.


-Always be careful on your way to school.
-Monitor your route to school.
-Be careful of vehicles on the road.
-Respect and greet people.
-Do not talk to strangers.
-Cross when the robot is green.
-If there is no robot, look left and right twice before attempting crossing the roads. If there is no adults available to help you.

-Put on your seat-belt.
-Do not disturb your parents or guardians while driving.
-Remind your parents or guardians to drive safe.


-Greet other learners, teachers and school staff.
-Follow all the school's rules and procedures.
-Listen to your teachers and pay attention attentively.
-Behave in class.
-Do your school work.
-Participate in the class or school activities.
-Work well with other learners.
-Eat your lunch.
-Drink water.
-Enjoy your day at school.

-Make sure that you remain focused on the roads and stay safe at all times.
-Refer to Step 15.

-Change your uniform into comfortable home clothes.
-Wash your uniform and pyjamas.
-Eat if you hungry but only a snack.
-Do your chore, for example cleaning. Make sure everything is done well.
-Go play with your friends outside, play your games or watch television.
-Come back home before it gets dark.
-Take a bath.
-Wear your clean pyjamas.
-Ask your parents or guardians to help you with homework.
-Pray: God bless our food and forever amen.
-Eat supper with your family after you have washed your hands with soap.
-Share the proceedings of your day with your parents or guardians.
-Say the night prayer: Thank you God for protecting, guiding me and my parents the whole day.
-Say good night to your parents or guardians.
-Brush your teeth.
-Read a book, two pages or more depending on the child.
-Check your alarm clock than to go sleep.