Friday, July 13, 2018

Do Not Give Up.

Written By Sivuyile Tshalana.

When people do not let go of something or someone that is going to add value and better their lives or other people's lives, it is called not giving up. When you do not give up, you tell yourself ‘no matter what happens I will make it even if the odds are against me’. Remain cool, calm and collected towards the challenges life has to throw at you. The aim in life for everyone should not be to give up, but constantly keep pushing for your dreams and what you want in life.

They say it is easier said than done, but it is definitely achievable. Keep your head up high throughout life’s challenges. You owe it to yourself to be great, a wise man once said ‘greatness is something you practice everyday, so go out there and be great’. Set your goals so scarily high that they challenge you every step of the way and they keep you on your feet. It is always good to get inspiration along the way to your destination in life. Remember everyone has a purpose in life, others have found their purpose and some are still working towards it. So do not doubt yourself or let challenges and people be the reason you give up. There should be no reasons whatsoever for giving up. Always remember why you started and do something that contributes to your future everyday. When it is all said and done, you will look back and be grateful you never gave up.

There is always someone who is going through worse things than what you are facing. You do not have to feel sorry for yourself, get up and start doing something to overcome your downfalls. Do not carry your mistakes on your shoulders so visible that everyone can see that you going through something. Let your problems go, there is no need to dwell over them and it is just a waste of time. Do not let your challenges over-power you. They say ‘when life gives you lemons, make lemonade’. You do not have to accept the situation for what it is, but you have to keep going to reach your destiny and prosper in life. Perseverance, determination, hard work, consistency and hunger for success will drive you to not give in life. Everyone has a story to tell about their lives, and it is your time to write your story and share it with the world. This can inspire people that are following in your footsteps and others who are going through a rough patch. You will be building a legacy of dreamers, people who have a ‘never give up attitude’ and who are go-getters. Get your mindset into a winning mentality, believe that you can do it and that you will not give up no matter what life throws at you
Do not give up, your time is coming. You have to be ready when your moment comes and you can achieve that by never giving up on whatever you are working on, especially if it is something towards your future. We all want to better our lives and a lot of challenges comes with that. Some people do not have the right kind of mindset to achieve their goals but it all starts by never giving up. Go out there and get what belongs to you.


  1. Very very inspirational and motivational...busi

  2. Very very inspirational and motivational...busi

  3. thank you very much for reading my work busi. dont forget to share with others.

  4. The words “Give” and “Up” should never be together. Rather the word NO shouldn’t even be in your dictionary. Being part of the human race you are one of the most resilient and strongest beings to have ever walked on the earth. You are practically legendary. Each one of us is.
