Friday, May 29, 2020


Written By Sivuyile Tshalana.

My Africa. Your Africa, our Africa.
Oh man, you have to love Africa.
Just know it's more than a continent.
 It's a way of life.
It's a way of living.
It's a way of peace.
Oh man, Africa my wife.
Africa, my husband.
Africa, my son.
Africa, my daughter.
Africa, my niece.
Africa, my nephew.
Africa, my grandfather.
Africa, my grandmother.
Africa, my uncle.
Africa, my aunt.
Africa, my long lost relative.
Africa, you're my everything.
Africa, you're superior.
Africa, you've given birth to icons and role models.
Africa, you're such a vibe, you've brought back the meaning of life.
Africa, you make smile, laugh and even cry tears of joy.
It's a blessing to be in your presence.
I love you, Africa, wholeheartedly.

You've seen me through my good and bad times. You've shown me so much that I can do with my life and what I can achieve in this world. Every day, I look around all I see is a beautiful land, wonderful people and an amazing life ahead of us as Africans.
You're more than just a continent. You're made up of the most welcoming and selfless places across all borders. You're a standout from the rest as you've constantly made sure that you bring unity across the world.

Africa pushes you to want to achieve more in life, that top of the pinnacle kind of dream. It defines success as an African. It's all about happiness.
Africa is just fantastic in every way that you look at it.
It's eye-grabbing, jaw-dropping, easy to love and makes Africans appreciate their continent even more.

It doesn't matter what you've heard about Africa until you have to experience it yourself. You get to see all that nitty-gritty sweetness, the juiciness of the greatest continent called Africa. You get to experience the love conditional love, generosity, kindness, friendliness, unity and humanity.
Africa is and will always be the continent that's full of innovators, idealists, entrepreneurs, humanitarians, lovers of life, feminists, well-educated individuals, go-getters, freedom fighters and pure hustlers.

Africans, heal your Africa, our Africa. Let's just love each other and respect each other, be there for each other and help each other more. See life as we want it to be. We want to see the better sides of everyone in the world. The only way we can do that is by telling each other that we all matter, despite the colour of our skin and what matters at this moment is pure generosity, just come together as Africans and be one.

At the end of the day, we need each other. So the best thing we can do is to see one another as fellow brothers and sisters that need each other to be better in life, to achieve more than what we've already achieved at this moment.
Africans let's all show more love and just be positivity amongst each other, and everything will be okay. Africa is a continent to always look out for in terms of careers, success, business resources, talented people, every money-making and infrastructure.

The only thing that's needed at the moment is to combine our resources and our intelligence to come up with better ways of making one another reach abilities to be a greater individual in life.
Africans need to learn to believe in their abilities and trust their people and respect the process of making Africa a continent of dreams and life beyond measure.

Africa needs to grow than what it is at the moment and, to be honest, we've done well so far, but there's always a room for improvement. Africans need to reach that inner or deeper Kind of resilience for a better Africa. It doesn't matter where you come from, but what matters is you are in Africa. Let's make it our duty to make Africa greater.

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