Tuesday, May 14, 2019

The Struggle.

Written by Sivuyile Tshalana.

In this life not everyone is born in a wealthy family whereby a person has no struggle and everything is solved by their money. Not everyone has inheritance or an empire from their family members to keep them going for the rest of their lives. Other families can afford things while others cannot and it is quite unfortunate. For instance there are a lot of people that struggle in the shacks and do not even know where their next is coming from and others do not even own a shack to live in.

Even though government gives some people houses, some of them still struggle to make ends meet in their lives. Within that tough life struggle there is a lot of hatred and jealousy that builds within a person’s heart in a way that they look down upon each other. Some people in the community do not even want to help others uplift their standards of living. All they care about is making other people’s lives hell everyday of their lives rather than trying to grow together. If people do not want to play a role in their communities then the country as a whole suffers, because of the lack of growth amongst people. It is so sad to find a wealthy family or a family that can afford things living next to a family that struggles but there is no communication between the two families. This is even evident at many schools whereby some learners eat their lunch while sitting with other learners that do not have lunch and they do not even care if the other learners are hungry or not.

Some children also practice what their parents teach them or what their parents do, like when there is a visitor before supper is served, some families would rather wait for the visitor to leave before serving supper. A visitor suppose to get something to eat or drink while visiting unless the family has nothing to offer. It is crucial to know another human being, because one way or the other we all need each other in this life so that we can all strive to be happy. Success has so much value when it is shared amongst other people. The struggle is real, because many people see others suffering for the rest of their lives as it brings joy to their heartless lives. Some people would rather talk and laugh about your struggle, and also try to make you accept the struggle and turn a blind eye on your future. Some successful people, especially those coming from previous disadvantaged background, do not want to help the next generation because they feel since no-one helped them, why should they help others and which is a selfish behaviour.

Your background does not define you and it should not be the reason you stop following your dreams. You going to get a lot of negativity on your way to success, just let it go and focus on things that truly matter like your future. Some people will catch up with you or invest in you once you have invested in yourself first and the rewards will start showing going forward in life. You just have to remain positive, focused, consistent and hustle daily.

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